Sunday, September 20, 2020

Guess what?

 Do you know what this is?  I had never heard of it either. I grew up with a lot of different farm animals.  Dad bought me a small inflatable pool for a birthday when I was small and some baby ducks.  Of course, I thought the pool was for wading, and I probably did do that, but I think he really thought it would be used more for the ducks.  It was I suspect, although I don't remember for sure.  We had a nanny goat who had a pair of twins and he built harnesses and put leashes of sorts on them which we paraded up and down the road.  I remember that.  Our dad was always doing something fun.  But this item, not a mask which we are all wearing now, is a chicken jacket or saddle as they are sometimes called.  I walk most mornings with my neighbor, Vida, and she asked me if I would be interested in making some chicken jackets.

I had to ask what they were and when she explained that they are to protect the chickens when they are pecked by other chickens.  I do remember that does happen.  Sometimes they will just pick on one chicken and bully them.  Anyway, her mom who lived in Louisiana has chickens and she is making them for her.  She bought the fabric above and I had some quilted fabric for the lining and the rope elastic.  I pulled a pattern from Pinterest and we have made a few.  The other thing she bought fabric for was "egg gathering aprons".  Now that is a brilliant idea.  The UTUBE video we watched has 12 pockets, one each for an egg. The fabric she bought was so cute--several different prints with chickens and even here, lots of people have chickens.  I am anxious to see her aprons. 

The air quality is back to normal now and we have had a few sprinkling rains at night so things are fresh and green.  

"If I didn't start painting, I would have raised chickens." ~ Grandma Moses

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