Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Garden and walks

 This past weekend my daughter went to another plant sale by invitation only and because she gets a discount, she was able to make a two cart haul.  It was amazing I guess and when she dropped by, her vehicle was packed.  She was kind enough to ask if I would like to have her get me anything and she scored 3 coral bells and a beautiful pink lace hydrangea. Thank you Erica!  I got them planted yesterday and today we planted two lilacs gifted to us by our neighbor.  I cannot begin to count the plants we have received by generous people. 

As my neighbor and I walked last week, we found these spectacular webs.
The spiders are out now...lots of 'em!  They are everywhere but aren't these webs intricate?
And this is that hydrangea! This is not where it got planted, but as it grows it will be beautiful. This fall where we are, we have so many conifers but there are also many, many other varieties of fruit and nut trees, maples and so many with which I am not familiar.  Those trees are beginning to lose their leaves and the colors are brilliant.  I am thrilled at the beauty and the walks always surprise me with something new. My flower gardens have been planted for spring so I have my fingers crossed.

"There is a kind of immortality in every garden." ~ Gladys Taber

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