Friday, January 11, 2008

Gardening and Snow and Wind

The strange volcano looking appendage above is the result of an air bubble continuing to grow in a hole in the ice in our pond.  It is an ice structure, hollow in the center from which the air is escaping.  Some days we have many of these. This one was 7"-8" tall I think. A stock tank heater and a bubble making device keep the pond from freezing totally as we have 5 large gold fish who inhabit this pond. 

I got my new Birds & Blooms and even though I have snow and wind swirling 'round my door, I am ready to put my rake and hoe in the earth.  One new addition being added this year to the garden will be an "inukshuk" which is a pile of stones in the shape of a person.  According to a letter in the Garden Chat section of the magazine, they were built and used by the Inuit in the Canadian Arctic as landmarks or guideposts.  Any pile of rocks beckons me and I am as happy as a bug in a rug when I am arranging stones.  I think that in a former life I must have been a stone mason.  However, notice the river rocks in the  photo which surround the pond.  We inherited a few truckloads full of these when we purchased this property, so right now I am limited to fitting round stones into walls, etc.  So as I look out at my yard between the last snowstorm and the inevitable next, I know that if you tickle the earth with a hoe, it will laugh a garden and I am ready to tickle!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've never even heard of...what would you call icemite? That is very cool! I'm looking forward to seeing your inukshuk. My guess is that it's easier to build a fat inukshuk than a skinny one!