Monday, April 21, 2008

First day in the garden and lamps

These two shades are now hanging above our bar-island and the one below is above the dining room table.

I spent all last week and this weekend painting my kitchen cupboards and getting the stained glass shades up...the Mr. did that for me!! So the pictures show the shades.

Today was the first day that I was able to get out into the garden. Although the sun was shining, the wind blew some but I spent about 2 hours cleaning up debris from the yard. What a mess the winter left us. Tulips and daffodils that were planted last fall have emerged from the frozen ground and the daffodils are even blooming. I did spend a lot of time digging up the blasted yarrow and blue flax that are so invasive! Curse them! Lots of green things that I don't identify are coming. When we were at nurseries last year my gardening guru, Bonnie, told me last year that I had to have "that" so I bought "that". Now that is coming all over. Plant tags never survive the harsh winter here and even though I keep a garden journal, my yard is so big that I can't keep track of everything in a journal.

The handmade tiles are up in the bathroom, I struggled with the adhesive and the tiles this morning and should be able to grout tomorrow. So will post pictures. I am really please with the glaze on them.

My garden is starting to green up, but overall, it still appears somewhat brown. It will be so pretty soon, but looking at it now, it seems impossible. The quote below parallels that brown garden.

"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." - R. Buckminster Fuller

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