One of my very favorite movies is the Black Dahlia...the original, not the re-make. The story of the investigation done much later is even better. The man doing the investigation discovers that it was probably his own father, a Dr. who committed the murder. I don't remember names or dates, but if you get a chance do some investigating of your own, check it out. My dahlias are not black, but I am so thrilled with them that I just had to post these pics. The single pink one is nearly 9" across. I am afraid that I won't be able to get to the bulbs before I move, but I am going to give it my best. We have begun the packing process and my feet hurt! We had a visit from my nephew and his wife and little girl yesterday. What a joy that baby was! A real sweetie. They live in Alaska and flew down for his grandfather's 80th birthday. We went to dinner and they left for a road adventure on their way back to Colorado.

This blog is going to suffer I fear until I can get moved and back up on line so if you find me away for a few days after the 1st of the month, hang in there....I will be back. We will miss our neighbors and friends here, but this is just another marvelous adventure and life goes on.
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