When the first hunting permits were issued here several years ago and not that long ago, the moose were just beginning to be sighted here. I remember in early 2000 there were only 5 permits issued and the population has increased significantly although I am not sure of the numbers. Having come from a hunting family and now with Wyoming depending on this income from residents and so many out of state hunters, it has become a way of life here. These are always awesome to see in the wild, but as with 4-H critters who are raised as pets, eventually some of them become part of the food chain. A bitter sweet reality.
I went to lunch with my dear friend, Ginger today and because we have become cheap in our old age (you're not old Ginger, just me), we decided a few weeks ago to pack a lunch and meet in the park rather than spend money for a lunch we could provide ourselves. It has been very relaxing to picnic by the river and there is no one to overhear our gossip, I mean conversation.
Every day brings about another episode in our home moving process. Today we received more paperwork which we needed to forward on and as each day passes, things look more and more like the end is in sight. The problem is that we haven't started to pack and in the event that it all falls apart near the end (which is when it will happen if it does), I don't want to have to unpack everything. This is the sixth home we have sold and with the current home foreclosure situation nationwide, everyone in the business is taking greater precautions and requiring more information. Of course, this is as it should have been anyway. However, the others home sales were each different so this is just another adventure in life's journey. I do realize that I am getting older each time I make another move which makes the moves a little more difficult.
~We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work it's way through Congress. -
Will Rogers
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