Into each life a little rain must fall. You can't have rainbows with out a little rain.
Yada Yada Yada! We have had more than our share of rain! This is Wyoming for goodness sake, not the tropical rain forest. We are a supposed to be a Dry state. The ground is saturated and the weeds have taken over. (Ignore the little picture....I can't figure how to delete it.) I must say it was a spectacular rainbow and my pics don't begin to do it justice...brilliant colors.
One of my oldest friendships began in
Rawlins in 1970. My friend celebrated her birthday Friday and I bundled up my little Spencer and all of his belongings and drove over to spend the day and night with her. We had a great day! Spencer was absolutely the best little guy!! Terrific traveler, wonderful on the leash, and although he is still very shy, he charmed everyone he met! I am so happy with him. We even hit some garage sales this a.m. and I scored a FREE utility sink. Since the Mr. is finishing up with the plumbing in our basement addition, this was to be our next purchase. Voila!! I love freebies! My intention was to stop and visit with some other friends on my way home, but we are under a tornado watch at the current time and were supposed to have intense thunderstorms this afternoon so I decided to hightail it for home instead. So far...no tornadoes and the watch is supposed to end soon.

Last fall, I took a quilt class and never finished the quilt. I am now in the process of quilting it on my wonderful machine. For Christmas, I got a "walking foot". Everything I have learned, I have done by trial and error. A walking foot, according to the experts, is a necessary attachment needed to keep all of the layers fed through the
machine at the same speed. The top is fed through with the foot as the backing is fed with the lower feed dogs, thus preventing any puckers. So, like most of my endeavors, I put it on the
machine and began to experiment. I wasn't even sure it would work, or how it would work. Rather pricey, the foot is WELL WORTH THE MONEY!! It is my new best friend.

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