Remarkable progress has been made as far as Spencer's transition to our home I think. I had become quite frustrated, but by following advice as much as possible (it is difficult when the weather does not permit us to be out of doors). We have had lots of rain. I took him to get a harness on Sunday and we actually went for a walk yesterday morning. His "mom" brought his bowl as well as some toys. He had finally eaten Sunday night and again yesterday morning, so that put me a little at ease, but the walk was great. He did not pull, or try to run ahead of me. He was heeling perfectly, stopping at my foot each time I stopped. Last night, he came to bed with me, but after a few minutes, he put his little nose in the air and began to "howl". It is such a cute little noise, but he was obviously upset because his buddy was not with him. I sat up and leaned down to pet him and calm him. He let me rub his chest and belly and when I quit, he slowly crawled up toward me and he nudged my fingers. We repeated this ritual several times until he was near my pillow always nuzzling my hand when I stopped. The fact that he was seeking me out was encouraging. He loves to perch on this trunk below the window as he can stand and see out. Shortly after this picture was taken, I returned to the room to find him chewing on a leather coaster. I retrieved it, but I do believe he is settling in. This morning when I let the dogs out and back in again, he actually tried to jump around and get Hildy to play with him. She didn't act like she knew what to do, but she will come around too I think.
We are back at the bathroom renovation again and we are making daily trips to the home improvement stores. For some reason, we don't seem to plan well enough to get everything at one time. Next post will have some of those pics and although it would not make a very interesting TV renovation show, it is coming along slowly. I have lots of unfinished projects and got paint today to do the bedroom downstairs. This flipper, fixer-up, money pit is daunting and it is hard to decide which direction to flutter. Of one thing we are certain--when it is finished, it will be something in which to take pride. (If it doesn't put us in the grave first).
"He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home." ~ Goethe
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