Unlike Erica, my New Year's resolutions are limited. Good grief, she has a bunch and knowing how goal orientated she is, I have no doubt that she will succeed. My one and only resolution is to lose the poundage that I put on the past two months. Really!!! I couldn't keep food from just leapin' into my mouth. I have a new pair of shoes!! Those "shape ups" by Sketcher are a bit weird looking, but I love 'em. With a fused ankle, it allows me more freedom to "rock" forward and puts less pressure on my knee. Along with that, Santa brought us a new tread mill. While at "Mike and Maggie's", I tried out theirs and decided that it was just the ticket to counter act all the food I inhaled. Erica brought goodies and Mike's neighbors and relatives brought food and he made yummy candy, Maggie made a chocolate tart which was to die for, not to mention all the other wonderful food we had. So the extra fat is my "BEFORE".
Little Spencer traveled with us and was a terrific little guy on the trip. In the car, he slept as soon as the engine started and woke up only when we stopped. He did his business on command practically and in the motels, he was a perfect gentleman. What a joy!! He is long overdue for a haircut and will be getting that tomorrow so this is the BEFORE and tomorrow I will post this AFTER...Stay tuned for the others.
"Traveling in the company of those we love is home in motion." ~ Leigh Hunt
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