Tuesday, January 24, 2012

More quilting

 Our quilt guild has over 100 members and is a very active group.  I am privileged to be a part of this guild and have made some great friends.  I don't think one is ever to old to learn and I am learning new things constantly.  At the 2nd meeting of the month, we have a series of "clusters" which are groups of people learning new techniques from wonderful teachers.  There is no cost, unless a pattern needs to be purchased for a larger project.  The ornaments in the top picture are completed "cathedral window" examples, all of which can be incorporated into a larger quilt.  I have done the cathedral window quilt in the traditional fashion and it is very time consuming and uses a lot of fabric.  This technique is so much faster and more economical! The second picture shows one method of turning back the "windows and the bottom picture shows all four.  There are only two different patterns, but depending on how the stitching is done on top, the end result is 4.  I have ordered a pattern for a large quilt and will have at least two more "cluster" sessions to complete all of the techniques. 

Top and right squares are the same and left and bottom are the same. They are just tacked in different places.

On a totally different note, our daughter lives in Washington and has been without electricity for at least 5 days.  Finally she and her husband got power on today.  We forget what we have until we lose it.  But she got her fridge cleaned out at least.  Gotta find at least one good thing.  They did have a wood burning stove, so were not without heat, but really....it would be tough to be without for that long. 

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