Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Can you see her?

We have an addition to our herd of critters.  We lost our last cat of 13 years about 2 years ago and have adopted this 3 month old black kitten.  She is nearly impossible to see when she hides under the bed or the sofa or on a suitcase in the storeroom (which she finds quite comfortable).  I have decided that she will be called Coalette since except for that white tuft on the end of her tail she is pretty much coal black. She has been in a home with dogs and has just moved right into ours as if she were the queen of the realm.  She will be strictly a house cat as we are in a pretty busy neighborhood.  Next week she will get her vaccinations and spaying will follow in a few more months.  She has long hair (which I swore I wouldn't have again), but it is not as long as our previous cat. 

1 comment:

Erica said...

Awww!!! She is so pretty! So funny she just has that tip of white on her tail. I love the name as well.