Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February stuff

 This month has been so busy, but what month isn't? Don't know where my life is going, but it is moving way too fast.  We celebrated our 48th anniversary as we always do..with food!  The Mr. played in a couple of tournaments which allowed me some time to haunt the flea markets and vintage shops and spend time with friends.  This cute little gnome suspended from his britches with a clothespin will hang above my gnome home this spring and summer.  I just couldn't resist him on the shelf in a garden nursery I visited.
 I scored another tray in the same vintage shop in Ft. Collins where this original blackboard tray idea tickled my fancy.  So...well, I hurried and got these on the wall too. The little birds are exactly the right color for my kitchen decor and grace my window sill.  I hesitated at the price of $8.00 each and after a brief discussion with the clerk, she went to the back and came back with a reduced price.  Couldn't resist them either!  Turns out she was the granddaughter of a dear woman who cooked with my mom for years at the school cafeteria where I attended school.
Small world sometimes.

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