Friday, August 7, 2015

County fair

 First of all, Coalette is not a fair animal, although many 4-H kids do show cats.  Here she is perched on an 1 1/2" quilt padded rocker back.  Cat owners know that cats find the most unlikely places to hang out.  We find her upstairs in the bar sink, in the closet on a shelf of sweats and numerous other places.
 Our county is mostly ranching country and our fair reflects this.  When we first started going to the fair here, 40 some years ago, it was a place to find lots of needlework, crafts, gardening and foodstuff.
As our society has evolved, it is mostly 4H and ranching displays and believe me, these kids are talented and dedicated. I gathered eggs when I was a child with my sister.  I hated this task as I always got pecked until we teamed up to chase the hens off the nest first.  But I digress.  These are a couple of the chickens at the fair.  Aren't they pretty? (I get my eggs from a gal out here who even delivers them to me).
As we strolled through the barns, we watched the beef cattle being bathed and groomed and all of the hard work these kids do to prepare for this week-long event will pay off for the rest of their lives.  I did not photo the welding projects or the woodworking, but the amazing projects reflect the work ethic they are taught and what 4H does for our youth...the leaders of tomorrow.  There will be many Carbon County projects going to State Fair and more blue ribbons and best of show.

"Not the prize gives the joy, but the striving to win the prize." ~ Caxton

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