Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Moving process continues

So for those not privy to all of the happenings in the past few days, here is the scoop. Yesterday, all of the inspections were done. This includes the sewer, electric, plumbing, radon, and the appraisal and perhaps a few I don't even know.  It was a bit of chaos and the experience was much different than any in the past.  Everything appears to be ahead of schedule and so far, no glitches in the process.

We are still packing and our son will be here this week to pick up a few things he would like to have.

 We will be leaving our backyard which was still in the evolving stage and the round rocks were gathered in Carbon County out in the Red Desert. On a trek with good friends a few years ago we found an amazing amount of these rocks, rounded by weathering for decades. There were so very many and what a wonder! I love them and will surely find a place for them as the many trips we took with these friends are memories never to be forgotten.
As the Mr. and I hit garage sales last year, one of the $1.00 purchases was an iris plant.  Imagine my surprise yesterday when it opened to this beautiful flower. It will be sad to leave everything, but a new adventure awaits us.  My daughter is a wonderful gardener and I am so looking forward to her expertise as the altitude and terrain will all be a new experience for me.  It appears that we will have about 2 1/2 weeks now until our time here will be over and it has been difficult to say goodbye to friends.  It was a few short weeks ago that we actually made this decision to leave Wyoming, which has been our home for 50 years and quite frankly it has happened faster than we anticipated.  I will keep posting.

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