Saturday, May 30, 2020

More Iris

We have this Master Gardener living a block from me and she has stopped by to let us know that we have diseased boxwood or pest infested, I am not sure which. Apparently it is common and won't really hurt it, but did give us some information about what to do with it.  We did some research and found some oil....we will see what affect it has.  She has given us lots of praise with the progress we have made with the lawn, the dandelions and has been very gracious.  I mentioned the iris that I posted on Thursday and she told me she had lots to give away if I would like them.  Yesterday she delivered this box of iris and some asters.  She left some of the blooms on so I would know about the colors.  There is a beautiful root beer and some deep purple and I left the pink blossom on the one above so that I could get a picture before I trimmed them.  After separating them, I had so many that I had difficulty finding places to plant in this horrible rocky soil.  It does have good drainage and Iris grow just about any place.  She also does a lot of glass totems and flowers, etc. so she told me she had a box of glass that she would give me also.

Probably the only people who can understand the excitement I get from these garden additions are my few garden gurus, but by next year I hope to have a greatly improved yard.  

We are still staying home, but we have now opened up to stage 2 and I will be able to meet with my journaling friends again next Friday...donned with mask and equipped with hand sanitizer and of course the social distancing.  I am expecting a supply of paint which my daughter ordered in a couple of weeks and just being able to get to the shop for more supplies will be wonderful. 

I have been reading some of the series "The Cat Who" by Lillian Jackson Braun and I am loving this mystery series.  Thank you Ginger!

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