Monday, July 27, 2020


It has been two weeks since I blogged and we are just really for the most part, staying home.  The unrest, the virus, and the unknown breaks my heart.  Baseball, which I love is finally being televised in some sort, and although they are doing their best to achieve some normalcy, the canned crowd noise just is not right.  I have been walking mornings with my neighbor. That along with my small journalling group, and my other neighbors and of course my daughter completes our socializing.  I have been on the phone to my dear friends back in the Rockies and like us, they are doing well.  Our family is also staying safe. 

Because we are staying home, there isn't much happening in my life to blog about, but I did finish a page for my "junk journal".  I have an "art journal" and a "memory journal".  These 3 and my sewing and gardening keep me busy and although the new normal is not necessarily to my liking, I am not complaining.  Saddened perhaps by some things with which I have no control, but blessed to have health, income, shelter and food.  We are able to laugh and stand upright.  The page above is continued documentation in the junk journal of our life since leaving Wyoming.  We got our two little rescue dogs in 2009 and they had been with us until a few months ago.  Roger had recurring bladder stones and Spencer's kidney's failed. Within a few weeks of each other we lost them and there is a void in our life.  

The Mr. is now starting to finish the deck boards now that the railing is done and it is looking so nice.  Tomorrow is our 6 mo dental check so we will have to venture out into the real world.
No news is good news but I will try to find something to put in the blog soon. 

"Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting." ~

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