Monday, March 3, 2008


This is the moose to be done in tonight in a lesson on monochromatic colors. The girls intend to do this on different surfaces. Mine is a floor cloth and it will be done on trays and a paddle and other surfaces.
This flower is done on a cement stepping stone and a path with these in different colors, will grace my back yard for sure!! These need to be brought into the garage in the winter, but they hold up very well even if left out and sprayed again with acrylic, both in the fall and in the spring.

Flowers and plants from the new spring catalogs are making my fingers "itchy"! Finally we got a little break from the winter weather and while washing my windows out front, I actually saw some green things poking through the frozen tundra. Brave little green things they are. We got more snow yesterday, but I spoke with Erica on the phone Saturday, getting a "kid fix" and we both had the Spring Hill Nurseries catalog in our hands. Imagine that! So we spent quite a while on the phone perusing the catalog, page by page, trying to decide what to order. They have a sale happening now and if the order is placed before April 16th, 50% of the total order can be deducted. (up to $500.00 that is) Soooo--I have to decide now what to get.

My painting group gets together tonight, so we are going to try to catch up on unfinished projects and start the moose. We will be getting ready to do some garden projects which will include the stepping stone with the flower on it and some of the birdhouses. The sun is shining today, and I have a garden club meeting this week, which I hope I can get to. The weather has not been kind to those of us who have to travel to be able to get out of Dodge. Happy Gardening thoughts to all.

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