The lovely little lighthouses with Christmas scenes are flower pots. Three of my friends and I were graciously invited to the cabins of a wonderful couple whom I have had the pleasure to know since they were married. This is a little piece of heaven and the smaller cabin in the foreground is where we made our "studio" while we were working on the project. I will post a closer picture of the pots later. The larger cabin, an A-frame, is 3 stories and can hardly be called a cabin. In it's semi-rustic setting among the aspen, and resting be a stream, we were wined and dined. Our hostess is a marvelous cook and although we had intended to provide our own meals, she insisted on cooking for us. What a delight!!! Our accommodations were most comfortable and we had all the modern conveniences of home. The Elk Mountain Hotel (I did not post a link here, but you can google it) which is famous for it's food and historic dance hall on springs during the first part of the century, is not far from the cabin. We were allowed to take our hostess to dinner there last evening and had a wonderful meal.

Hummingbirds greeted us every morning and 67 pounds of sugar were consumed last year by the little buggers. I have pictures and will post later. We went for morning walks, laughed until we could laugh no more, painted, and inhaled the wonderful fresh air and fragrances of the great outdoors. It truly was a relaxing few days. Our hostess is the daughter-in-law of one of my best friends. Suzie....thank you so very much !! (We hope you will invite us back!)
~"My friends have made the story of my life."~~Helen Keller
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