Friday, December 6, 2013


 We have been hunkering down most of the nation....we are freezing here at -20 below.
Living in Wy, we have experienced this kind of cold before, but my bones are not as receptive as they used to be to it.  I did not even take a picture of the 5 or 6 inches of fluffy white that covers everything.  The door gets open long enough to let the furkids out and when they hurry to do their business and limp back on 3 legs, I long for those warm summer days when they could sun themselves on the cool lawn.  Luckily, if you are a cat, that is not an issue.  Read the morning paper on line like Coalette and then take a short nap.
We trekked to the forest a few miles from here and with friends trudged through a foot or more of snow to get our tree.  It was a beautiful sunny day before the storm.  Since then, I have been getting lights and ornaments on it.  The tree is the tallest we have had and I had to get the Mr. to bring in a ladder to put the topper on, but it is so great to be able to get a fresh tree again.  The ones at the local store actually have been painted green..the trunks are even green! The snap above was taken at sunset, looking east and was a spectacular site a few days ago, as was the west.  But this glow on the mountain was gorgeous!  We are getting the house decorated (the lights outside will have to wait for warmer weather..or not) and I will begin to bake cookies soon.  It will be an old fashioned Christmas, but it will be a quiet one here on the range. We are blessed to have good friends and neighbors to share with the holiday spirits. 

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