Monday, July 15, 2019

First house pictures

These are a few pictures of the house which is under contract and awaiting inspection results:
 Storage shed in back yard..(Yes Becky, it is a large yard, but not grass...just low growth)
 Small one butt kitchen, but granite and new appliances
 This is a wood burning fireplace and we may install an insert, although Jeffery is thinking we should split an order of wood.  They do burn wood in the winter.  We will see.
 Built-in- dining room china cabinet
 Tons of storage on all walls in garage
This is a tree house of sorts for when Leo has to go when he is naughty
 Pretty plantings although this is not a great photo (not a photographer)
 Another view of the kitchen and lastly front door, which is a double door with stained glass windows also on either side of the door.  (did not get a picture) The inspection was done yesterday and took 2 1/2 hours. Having done inspections before, this was the most thorough one we have ever experienced and we were impressed.  Only a few minor issues and the home does have a brand new roof.  No structural issues however so we will see what happens now.


Unknown said...

Looks Great! You did good 😁

Unknown said...

Is that a doggy door in dining room??