Saturday, July 13, 2019

Olympia adventures so far

This may be a short blog as I am still in a fog.  Our phones are still being "ported" so we are unable to receive calls yet.  I can however, receive texts and I can call out.  Hopefully in a few more hours, that will happen.  Arriving safely on Sunday the 7th, our lives have been busy EVERY SINGLE waking moment.  I hope that whoever sees this blog will spread the word as time does not allow me to contact everyone.  We are so grateful for our daughter and son-in-law.  Besides allowing us to camp here with the dogs, they have helped us with so many issues involving this move.  We began the house hunt on the 9th, viewing homes our daughter's realtor selected and actually placed an offer on one, which we had to counter the following day.  Realize that this is all done electronically and that takes time.  It was accepted..order for inspection was submitted that day for the 14th, and confirmed by electronic signing today. (we have spent hours on the computer getting required documents) which we submitted to and met with mortgage broker yesterday.  (had to stop here and confirm more info for phones).  Closing date is set for Aug 12 or
sooner.  Never has anything happened so fast.  They don't mess around here.  We still don't know where anything is, but our GPS, Myrtle has been a lifesaver.  This morning, Erica and I did find a little time to take the dogs for a walk so we took these pictures.  The gardens here are gorgeous and look at these purple hydrangeas! Roger is investigating and Erica insisted that I be in a picture so here we are all!

Next week, we have a vet visit and a have to obtain a binder for our home insurance. The appraisal will be done as soon as the inspection is completed tomorrow. I am pretty sure that our belongings are still in Cheyenne, so ....?  I will try to take some pictures of the house tomorrow during the inspection so stay tuned!

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