Friday, July 19, 2019

Park pictures

 Normally I do not post pictures of people, but the trees and the foilage in this Mission Creek Park which is adjacent to our daughter's home are so spectacular that I had to add them here.  We walk here nearly every day as do a great many people who stroll past her home where we are staying.  (more below about the move below).  So, just to give you a small idea of the size of things here are a few.
 Erica and our too critters...Spencer got a haircut and bath yesterday and Roger tomorrow.
 Now this below is the other side of her yard. I was standing against a short fence in her yard and this is the view of her neighbor's yard.  Her neighbor is a Buddhist Temple and when I first visited her several years ago this was a vacant, grassy area.  They have done such a beautiful job with their property and are very good neighbors.
The house search is progressing way faster than we anticipated.  The market here is hot as it is in many places.  The inspection was done last Sunday, two days after we went under contract and the few safety issues we requested by the sellers were approved immediately.  We are waiting for the appraisal and may have it in a few days, maybe a week.  Our furniture and personal contents are still in Cheyenne awaiting a truck to come to Washington as far as we know.  Our phones, which were in limbo for a week or so (we wanted to keep our same numbers, but miscommunication between Union and Verizon were stumbling blocks) but we now have full service with our WY numbers.

We are grateful for our daughter's and son-in-law's hospitality and the inconvenience for any interruptions in their routine.  Stay tuned for more in a few days.

1 comment:

Patti said...

It's beautiful there. What a great place to take a walk