Saturday, March 28, 2020

Dandelions and Daisy

 Keeping busy during this "stay at home" time, has not been an issue for us.  Last week, when the weather was sunny and warm, the Mr. began to rage war on the dandelions. He has a tool that would challenge some weapons of war I think.  So on his hands and knees, he attacked the lawns.  Comical as it may seem, a neighbor found humor in it by asking what he was doing?  With the rain we are having this week, he will not be without work.
 I have mentioned the journaling gals and above is my first attempt at transforming a spiral booklet by sewing the cover and embellishing it with artwork from my daughter's hand and fabric which she donated to me.  Inside, I combined some pages given to me by my friend and mentor, Kathy whom I met here.  Along with some other papers, I machine stitched them and attached them with waxed thread to the booklet before the cover was put on.  Above is an example of what I have begun.  Several years ago my friends in Rawlins and I painted a life size antelope along with other artists who joined a fund raising venture for Rawlins.  They were then auctioned and in reading the article, I had forgotten that ours we named "Tilly" sold for over $3,000.00.  So in this first journal, I included pictures and some of the printed news articles.
This cover is a work in progress.  It is for a summer project.  I painted over the donated yellow daisy printed book with black and began applying bits of memorabilia yesterday.  Pages will be added later, but this has kept me busy. Since the book was covered with daisies I do believe I shall call the gal above Daisy and think she needs a bicycle built for two.  I will work on that. 

"Flowers are my Music." ~ Dr. Thomas Arnold 

(Daisies perhaps, but dandelions? ~ a sour note I think!)

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