For someone who is supposed to be retired, I seem to stay busier than ever. How in the world did I do everything when I was working a full time job, being mom, cook, housekeeper, gardener, pooper scooper-upper etc.? We have two sweet wonderful dogs, the border collie mix (alias skinny bitch) and the fat beagle (beagle butt). Believe me they keep the pooper scooper-upper person plenty busy!!!
Update on the rhubarb birdbath-- It does hold water after the caulk job. Yeah!! Now for the latest garden project. In the spring issue of Su Casa Magazine there was a photo of some old boots into which some "hens and chicks" were planted. This is my version. The shoe is a little wet from waterin' it, but after it was completed, I am happy with it. I haunted the yard sales and the flea markets for larger men's shoes without any luck, but I decided to sacrifice and old pair of my camping shoes. I filled the shoe with a mixture of potting soil, garden soil and sand. These are, after all, just succulents and survive nearly everywhere without much care. They make a great plant for a brown thumber.
Living in the small western community here, we are fortunate to have some wonderfully generous residents. Every summer, someone anonymously donates our 4th of July fireworks and a free concert, among countless other "perks" for the townspeople. (2000 residents in the winter and 4000 in the summer, give a few either way) Last night we were all treated to a Juice Newton concert. With lawn chairs in hand, nearly all of the 4000 summer residents trudged to the parking lot behind the historic hotel downtown and listened to 90 minute concert. What a great performance. Dogs with drool dripping, waiting for a lick of ice cream from their owner, little girls dancing with dad, ol' timers tapping feet to the music, and the fragrance of the hot dog stand across the street, imprints an image of simple pleasures in this little old mind of mine. Memories to cherish forever.
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