Look at these dog houses. Wouldn't skinny bitch and beagle butt just love to lounge around in these? We were almost more impressed with these than the homes themselves. Always having a theme, this year it was the sea side. Of course being many miles from an ocean, these homes were perched on a small lake. One home was designed and decorated to reflect the pirate theme. One, was built to resemble a lighthouse and decorated likewise. They are, no doubt, very cool. But I still like the dog houses. We plan to head out to our beautiful forest for a camping trip if I can muster up the energy to go clean out the camp trailer. If you are interested in looking at any information on the actual
homes check it out.
wow, those really are cool. I am going to have to plan a vacation to come out for the Parade of Homes, I really miss doing that with you...*sniff sniff*.
those are adorable!
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