I really don't know the history of this old skeleton of a cabin, but we pass by it on our trek to North Spring Creek Lake. Years ago, when we first went up and the kiddos were babes, it seems to me that it was in a less dilapidated state. Also we could drive up to the lake although the road was pretty tricky, even in the old 4 wheel drive. There has to be a story and below you can see that even this late in our season, there are still wild flowers blooming.

IF WALLS COULD TALK!!! Below is an old horseshoe sculpture of sorts. This belongs to a friend who lost her husband a couple of years ago. He was a sheep rancher and I think it may be a brand?? I forgot to ask. I had a visit with her earlier this summer when we were invited to a picnic/barbecue near Encampment. Knowing that I dabble in acrylics, she asked if I might be able to paint a sheep wagon and some sheep. I am always up for a challenge and it is a "small canvas of sorts", so I will embark upon that hopefully in a few days and will post the results...stay tuned.

We live in a neighborhood with the best residents!! One such character came by last evening with a squash of some sort, which I didn't recognize, and a zucchini (whatever else we cannot grow here, we do grow zucchini). Everyone shares and cares. Chocolate zucchini bread is the fate of that one. Maybe I will post my recipe when I find it. It is yummy! I guess I will have to distribute my "tomaters "won't I? They are doing so well. Have a great and safe holiday weekend.
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