It has been a few days since I posted...The cookies are nearly gone. I photographed the horseshoe again with the macros on, but as my age continues to prove my inability to remember things, I think I have posted the wrong photo above. Oh well!!! Below is a sliced stone with a version of the famous painting...THE END OF THE TRAIL. I found it at a little gift shop and my intention is to put it in a stained glass window or lamp. I can't hardly wait to get started!!

Living in the Cowboy state has some advantages. One evening when we were camping last I got this one. Not as spectacular as some, but in the spring this meadow is totally covered in wildflowers and as the season changes so does the landscape and the sunsets. The milky way was awesome too. Learn to take pleasure in the simple things.

With the onset of fall, comes the end of the garage sales. I LOVE GARAGE SALES!! You get such good stuff and I overheard a lady ask another this weekend what she had found. Her reply was "I don't know, but I don't have one." My kind of shopper!!! My finds? Well, I got a FREE basket, a brown Pyrex bowl from the 70's, (I collect this particular pattern, sort of, at least I have 4 now), a CD rack for $2.00 and a cool Charlie Brown-type of Christmas tree for $2.00. My philosophy is that one cannot have too many Christmas trees. Where would I put all of the vintage ornaments that I glom on to at other garage sales?
Now, I have begun to prepare for fall classes and have finished two of my first 3 projects. I will post them next time, but I spent the better part of today painting. Once I get started, I don't want to quit....it is like an addiction for me and the ideas keep coming. I get my inspiration from other artists and then adapt or change as my mind keeps spinning. Tomorrow, I am heading for town, to paint with 3 of my friends. We intend to have a lighthouse for the yard when we are finished. We hunted for 3 of the right sized flower pots and solar lights and searched for lighthouse examples (remember we are on the prairie). It will be so comforting to have a lighthouse for my pond so that the ships sailing this body of water won't collide with the rhinoceros or the ducks. Well, it will be cute anyway. I hope also to inspire some of my students to do these lighthouses for a class and at least will give them the opportunity to do them.
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."--Milton Berle
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