White beans?Pumpkin seeds? White brownie mix? Gotta have something white in the jar to get the full effect and I see that I cut off the top of the lid. Next time a full picture. But it turned out OK. My girls like to try different things and painting on glass was something new last year for them. Nothing says fall like pumpkins. This pattern from "Gift Jars and Tags" was inspiration for the container. The FolkArt Enamels are great for this type of project and it seems to cure better for me if it is baked in the oven, following the instructions on the paint containers. These make great gifts and if the project turns out really awful (and some do), give it to someone you don't like. It especially looks good on my orange countertops...excuse me Persimmon Formica countertops which are over 25 years old and, dang it, are still in pretty good shape.
Below is the first project we are embarking upon. Recycled corn husk flower pots. Who'da thought? They are lightweight, inexpensive, and I can think of a million and one things to do with 'em. This shows the progression from an antique olive original color, to a primed surface, a coat of paint followed by an antique...wait a minute. Aren't we back to the original color? Well that surface proved to be too glossy and waxy to paint on and believe me I tried sandpaper and even a coat of gesso to no avail. So...it will keep the girls busy. These are supposed to be Halloween bells, but I haven't gotten the jingle bell for the inside yet so will continue to brainstorm and post the finished projects.

I belong to a garden club and for our garden therapy project, we celebrated the September birthdays at our local nursing home by supplying sherbet, angel food cake and music from the 40's. Those ol' coots wanted so badly to get up and dance. It meant a great deal to them we realized, to have their birthdays celebrated. Some don't have family visits very often. This residency is one of the best in that their activity director schedules so many wonderful things for them. So to my wonderful two children, thank you for remembering my birthdays and please don't commit me just yet. (I had a very dear friend who was so very goofy! I loved her and she constantly embarrassed her grown children. They always threatened to have her committed!)
I just about have the lighthouse finished and will put it out by the lake (pond) tomorrow. It looks so cute!! Did you ever talk to a frog? We have about a dozen little frogs in and around our pond, unless some of them ran away. Some still had their tadpole tails this summer when we released them so they are pretty young, but they have started to croak in various pitches. I can hear them croak and I can croak back to them and they answer. I just suck air up threw my throat and make this funny croaky noise. If I could just figure out what I was saying...oh well. Please, please kids, DON'T have me committed yet. I really can talk to the frogs.
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