Happy Mother's Day!! These lovely tulips pushed themselves through the earth and lay flattened by two severe snowstorms, all in a shaded area of my yard and bloomed for me in spite of their many obstacles. They will be rewarded by getting moved to a more appropriate spot in my garden. Who knows how long they have been there. And speaking of pushing; as mothers who have struggled to push through our pelvic bones those enormous heads of wiggling, crying, flesh and bone creatures we call children...I hope all mothers had a great day. But one need not give birth to be a mother and giving birth does not necessarily make one a mother. I am fortunate to have been blessed with two wonderful children and honestly, if I could have chosen two, I would have picked just them. In my immediate family we have women who are stepmothers, birth mothers and mothers who have adopted children....all Mothers!!. As mothers, we struggle to do the best with what skills we have been given and in retrospect, perhaps we have not always made the right decisions in mothering. But it was always our best at the time. I wonder if I was too strict, if I gave enough of my time to my children. As a working mothers, we get stretched pretty thin trying to juggle our time and obligations. I have small regrets, but all in all I must have done and "OK" job as I have two really great adult children of whom I am extremely proud!!
We spent the better part of the week working on the yard, getting blood work done at the health fair, working on the basement bath project and it is amazing that an entire week has passed since I sat down to do this. I got my birdbath out and the Mr. helped me get this robin box built so that we could attached it to this aspen "snag" in our yard. We have always had robins nesting in our yard and we have so many here in our pine trees and pulling worms from our newly tilled soil, that I am certain that a Mother robin will find this new abode to her liking. This is a view from our front porch and the aspen is at least 8 feet tall, so it is a pretty secluded area of our yard. The tulips are growing on the lower left against the retaining wall and totally shaded all day long. I am in the process of cleaning up this area and hope to put coral bells and hostas and bleeding hearts, maybe lily of the valley and a couple of Adirondack chairs eventually. It will be a great spot for tea and a book in the summer afternoons.
"Being a Mother means that your heart is no longer yours; it wanders wherever your children do."~~unknown
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