Birthdays are a reminder of the fact that we are aging! Today is mine. But for me, it is always cause for celebration. I expect to age, but it isn't anything I worry about. Each wrinkle in this face is just another notch on life's journey. I don't ever remember telling my parents "Thank You" for bringing me into this world, however, I truly am thankful for all of the hardships and sacrifices they made and for the miracle of life I have been given. It has been a good one. The Mr. made the icing for the store bought angel food cake and I blew out the candles. (it took 3 tries) My celebration began on Sat when my friend Sal and I started out with coffee and then proceeded to purchase spring plants downtown at the Historic Cheyenne Depot. The master gardeners had a plant sale and it should have been a great experience, but we froze our butts off! After buying bedding plants, we decided to switch our shopping to indoors. We lunched at the Reata in the historic Plains Hotel...again her treat! It was a wonderful day as we spent it all doing chic stuff!! Today, the Mr.and I drove over to Laramie to meet friends from Saratoga for lunch and to celebrate Ginger's BD (15th) and mine again. The staff sang to us and treated us to birthday dessert! Weather today was spectacular and we drove back on a scenic route which was enjoyable to say the least! Everything is so green. Picking up the mail I had BD cards from my brother, both sisters, my son, my daughter, my granddaughter, another close friend and our financial investment agent. I got 4 calls today and one last night. Tomorrow, my other 3 close friends, 2 from Rawlins and one from Brighton will come here and we will go to lunch and do more chick stuff!!! Yeah!! I share birthdays this week with 7 people who have been important in my life's journey and I have a new sister-in-law who joins this group whom I have yet to meet. But I know that as a Taurus, she must be someone who will be an important addition to that continuing journey. My bedding plants are in and I planted some root veggies as well as tomatoes and squash. The chokecherry trees we planted are leafing out and life is good! Celebrate with me as another year has come and gone and I plan to have many more Birthdays!!
~~"Joy is your birthright.".....Leslie Santos
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