Monday, September 7, 2009

Yucky yucca

First of is the skeletonal remains of the yucca that Sal salvaged for me. Who but a best friend would go dumpster diving for me? Actually my other best friend, Barb has been dumpster diving for and with me. She once called me about a small child's chair that had been discarded and a woodworker let us dive several times in his dumpster for wood scraps. Ahhh! Thank goodness for recycling! Anyway, after the yucca was dissected with the aid of a reciprocal saw, I soaked the 4 little ones in a bucket of water and we planted them in the back yard. Time will tell.

I also decided to throw in a picture of my will hang under a finished ceiling one day I hope.

These little yucca didn't have much of a root system, only a lard bulbous type of base so I hope with a little bit of encouragement, they will take off.

Hope everyone had a nice labor day weekend. We went to a bluegrass festival here on Saturday night and again on Sunday, but it began to rain so we ended up at a flea market instead. Unfortunately, where we live, the rainfall was not very heavy and we are so very dry here. We are taking a few days off for a mini-vacation, so when I am back at the keyboard, it will be preparing for fall plantings and the inevitable snowfall just around the corner.

1 comment:

Erica said...

I hope your yucca lives.