Tuesday, September 29, 2009


As fall rapidly approached and I was unprepared for it, I saw my Zinnias, my tomato vines, and my nasties, which were still in a full glory of bloom, disappear overnight this week. Wow! We have had such a beautiful summer and it has remained for the most part, a steady day after day 70-80 degrees. All of a sudden....mother nature looked at the calendar. I finished my garden sign, which will grace my veggie garden next year and the dozen or so Virginia Creeper that my neighbor gave me, rooted very rapidly and will no doubt climb up this ugly retaining wall next year. This one took root and just put out new leaves like crazy. I had plenty and even had a few to give to
another neighbor.

My friend, Pat and I met Saturday for breakfast in a small town in Colorado south of Greeley and drove to Hygiene (not our destination). I always say I am not lost, I just don't know where I am. Our goal was to attend a quilt show in Longmont, and we did eventually make it there but as there was a lot of highway construction, the side roads were not clearly marked and we missed our turn. Perhaps I was talking,--who knows? Anyway, when we discovered where we were, Pat said she had been to a really cute country shop there and by golly, we drove right to it. The proprietor was very helpful and directed us back when we were finished at the shop, which was really cool by the way. The quilt show was spectacular and it was so inspiring to see all of the creative efforts in completed pieces of artwork. As far as I am concerned, each quilt was a piece of art. In addition, there was so much to see from each of the vendors with their wares. It appeared that people were buying too, and since these vendors came from all over the united states, I hope it was a successful endeavor for them. I am so glad we went. Then we had lunch of course, and found a great flea market there and before we knew it, the time to leave and head home had arrived. Weather was beautiful and it was a great day!!

My first session of a new quilt class started last week and I finished my first square today. Will post a picture and that of another project I started this week. As I talk about fall being here, I am not sure is we will actually have a fall. With the one early freeze this week, lots of the trees will not have a chance to turn and predictions from the weather "guy" indicate snow toward the end of the week. If that happens, the leaves will just fall....that will be the only "fall" we will have. I am not ready for winter yet....let's have a little FALL!!!

"Life isn't fair, but it is still good." - Regina Brett

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