This year the snowfall was 200% of normal in many places. The road over the Snowy Range is always open by Memorial day. You can see by the drift we parked beside why it was such a difficult task getting it opened and why flooding was such a threat and reality when snowmelt began. This was Saturday morning and by Tuesday (today) when we came home the melting was pretty obvious. We had a wonderfully relaxing 4th weekend with friends at their new home.
Back at the house as I walked the dogs out yesterday morning toward the south edge of their property, I spotted a pair of badgers digging at a prairie dog hole. The prairie dogs and ground squirrels are quite prevalent and dig holes everywhere! I have seen badgers crossing a road, but these two just stared at me and I was frantically trying to get my dogs back to the house. Badgers are vicious creatures and I was fearful that the dogs would get curious and check them out. Luckily they didn't spot them. The osprey nest there and we spotted a female sitting on a pole with a fish she had captured for supper and then flew with the remains to her nest to feed the little ones. The hummers are there and put on quite a show at the feeder. One little male in particular declared it his territory and dive bombed the intruders. Swallows were nesting in a bluebird box with 3 eggs. Our hostess who is my gardening Guru, sent me home with several plantings for my garden. I plan to get them in tomorrow and I am so happy to have them. All in all the weekend was wonderful!
"To own a bit of ground, to scratch it with a hoe, to plant seeds and watch their renewal of life-This is the commonest delight of the race, the most satisfactory thing a man can do." ~
Charles Dudley Warner
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