Friday, December 9, 2011

On the 2nd day of Christmas

 This is my lovely 10 year old border collie, Hildy and every morning she gets my paper as she carefully peruses the yard for rabbits.  She hates rabbits.  At her age though, she is beginning to feel the aches and pains of old age and old injuries, so the rabbits don't really need to worry much.  

 Red sky in the morning, sailors warning!  I love these beautiful Wyoming winter sunrises and this sky proceeded the snow storm we had last week.  So I doubt that any of you Wyoming sailors were intending to do much sailing, unless it would have been snow board sailing. 
And lastly, my quilted apples!  The original pattern was not to my liking at all so I improvised and after a little tweaking, I found that this suited my vision of what a quilted apple would appear to be.

Today, I hosted some of my old school co-workers for an afternoon of goodies, drinks and girl talk.  I truly cherish the friendships that have weathered so much...Moves, divorces, illnesses etc.

"True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable. " ~ Dave Tyson Gentry

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