Wednesday, December 14, 2011

On the 6th day of Christmas

This little rustic wreath is one of only a few surviving decorations left from the Christmas gifts when I worked with school staff.  Every year, I received handmade gifts from children and friends as well as the plates of goodies and other tokens of the season.  This particular wreath is small, only about 6 inches, but it has survived the test of time and moves from one home to another. Given to me by a staff member, I cherish the memories of those Christmases at school and am thankful that after all of these years I am able to stay in touch with most of them. 

Little Spencer isn't feeling too perky tonight as he was due for a Rabies and other vaccinations and although our vet, paraded him around to all of the staff with his Christmas "gear"  as she called his kerchief, he was none to happy with the experience.  He is wanting some attention and since we have spoiled him mightily, I am off to accommodate him.

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