I am home again, home again!!!
Bloom where you are planted!! How many times have we heard that one. Some of us put down solid roots where "we are planted" and happily wave in the breezes not ever venturing away from that safe garden spot. It is where our grandparents and their parents before them planted their offspring. It is where our parent plants carefully placed us to grow and cared for our tender systems until we could withstand even the most forceful of gusts and storms. Well, quite often, something comes along to JERK our root system out of that familiar environment. That happened to me, which brings me to believe that we must learn to grow and bloom where we are TRANSPLANTED, not PLANTED!!! And like my ventures in gardening, not all root systems are happy where they are re-planted. Sometimes they flourish and sometimes they die, yes they die. But where some families continue to multiply in the same garden like weeds, my family and that of the Mr. scattered seeds all over the country. We have strong winds here in the west. One advantage is that in order to get a "family fix", we get to travel great distances to get that "fix". I have just come back from Olympia WA for a kid fix and it was wonderful! Of course it wasn't enough time to do everything we wanted and we had to cram so much into so little time. The weather was great and although trying to get out of here is not an easy thing because it is over 100 miles to the airport and a layover in SLC it was worth it. I love Olympia and I think I could be transplanted there and my root system would survive and I would bloom. I will post more about the trip later.
Thank you Erica and Jeffery for a wonderful visit!
Pat. Nice job !! Probably didn't need the old wet bar anywy.
Interesting to know.
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