Thursday, May 28, 2020

Flora and Fauna

 It's Thursday and I took a break from this blog.  Memorial Day came and went uneventfully here but in this pandemic situation, we were so reminded of why we take this quiet time to remember the fallen.  I remember when Grandma called it Decoration Day and we always went to the cemetery to put flowers on the graves for "Decoration Day".  The Iris above is in a yard around the corner from my yard and is taller than me. I planted some that my daughter gave me and although they won't bloom this year, they are about 18" tall already.  I was able to get a closer look at this bloom below and it is so pretty.                                                                      
       I have been walking every day in my neighborhood and yesterday I came upon a deer eating peacefully in the wildlife area we have here.  She just ignored me.  Yesterday all day in my back yard the baby rabbits and the squirrels played in the lawn and in the trees and on the fence.  Five little Peter rabbits chased each other across my lawn and the little squirrels scampered up and down the fence and trees.  One little guy came within two feet of me as I sat reading in the shade, just to satisfy his curiosity.  We have grey squirrels but one little guy is red.  Mom must have strayed.  Today as I walked, I met a man with a chocolate lab puppy.  We have so many walkers with dogs of every size and breed and this pup was so adorable.  Eagerly his owner told me about him and how pleased he was with him.  Yesterday we met a gal with a mutt whose name was "Ray", a female with a handkerchief wrapped around her ears.  Thinking surgery may have been an issue, her owner said she had sores behind her ears and the only way she would tolerate the cloth was if she could go for walks.  What we do for our critters and I am missing mine.
I am so anxious for my yard to start getting full of plants and the master gardener her has stopped several times to take to us about how pleased everyone is with the progress we have and she is so eager to answer questions and to help.

"People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us." ~ Iris Murdock

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