Friday, April 17, 2020


 Our poor little Spencer had to have his teeth cleaned yesterday and at age 13, needed 3 teeth out so he was a little out of it and clingy when we got him home.  Needless to say, I didn't get to this blog.

Somehow, we ended up with a ladder that wasn't ours.  I think it came off the moving truck with our other contents.  I have these birdhouses, and have always wanted to put them on a ladder in my yard so I have started to spray this one and cannot wait to get it done and put some houses on it.  I still need to make a couple more and was looking forward to some yard sales so I could get some glass for totems also.  I have a great yard for my junk.  That may still happen when we are done with this virus.  
 The puzzle above belongs to my daughter as it was a Birthday gift to her from her best friend.  She loaned it to me and I loved working on this one.  I have done 4 puzzles since Christmas and find it addictive. 
Remember the trunk or stump from the previous post.  Well it is gone!!  As we borrowed the saw and post hole digger from our daughter and son in law, we found it was very laborious and spent the better part of 3 days hacking away at it.  I say "we" but it really was "he" mostly.  Our neighbor with whom we share a fence line was working on his shed which is just a few feet from ours. He had been watching the progress and finally convinced the Mr. to let him loan us his chain saw.  That was a life saver.  We used to have all of those tools but had to trim back on what we were able to move.
The hole is nearly filled in.  I mentioned that we would have to borrow a hedge trimmer from our son in law for our junipers out front and within a minute, he was handing a trimmer to me over the fence.  He asked if I could repair a waistband tie on the pants he was using to power wash his shed and even offered me a sewing machine.  Apparently he bought one for his wife for Christmas and didn't realize she didn't know how to sew and evidently didn't want to learn.  Wherever we have lived we have been blessed with wonderful neighbors.  

"Times like this, even though tragic and devastating, bond us together as neighbors." ~ Reed Quotes

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