Tuesday, April 21, 2020


 Didn't know what to title this today, but I am trying to catch up on lots of things.  I am not sure what I will do when this stay at home business is over, because I don't go anywhere except to the grocery every two weeks.  I stay so blamed busy! I found my birdhouses yesterday and I think that after a few more and some pots of blooming flowers, this will look like someone lives here and cares about our little piece of property.
 I just wanted to finish up with most of the house pictures for my friends who know that I have found homes for my ever growing and changing junk decor.  The little rocker in the corner belonged to an uncle of mine and it was given to me many, many years ago by his daughter.  I loved this uncle who was married to my dad's sister and I remember all of the summer days long ago when we would sit and watch baseball together at his home when I got to stay with them.  He loved baseball.  I still like watching and miss that it is not being played yet.  The pictures of family are displayed in an old window and the quilt on the wall is made from teeshirts the Mr. collected when he played pool in Rawlins, Las Vegas and at many tournaments.  Some have the team names and some have the bars and tournament locations and dates.

 The table is newly purchased for this home and it was important that it be a table like the ones the leagues use.
I just came back from my neighbor's home with 4 new jigsaw puzzles to work.  Last week when our neighbor loaned us the saw and hedge trimmer he was power washing his shed and was drenched.  However he was wearing some pants that were water resistant somewhat.  He asked me if I could repair them.  All that was wrong was the string at the waistband had slipped from the eyelet and had been pulled into the elasticized waistband.  It was an expensive pair and I assured him that I could fix it and would be more than happy to do it.  He brought them to me and I had them repaired in less than 10 minutes and when I returned them, I came home with the puzzles.  His wife didn't even know that he had asked about the pants, but I am thrilled to have new puzzles to work.  

We are loving this little neighborhood and in spite of the distancing, we are managing to say hello to so many who walk our area. 

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