Saturday, April 4, 2020


 Any more I have no idea even what day it is.  Decided it must be Saturday.  Our daughter called today to check on us as we do not venture out of the house except to go for a walk or to work in the yard.  She has actually been on vacation. She needed to take some days which would not accumulate and as the day ended on Friday, she got a notification now that the weekend has come, that she needs to do some work.  She works for the State DOT and is a graphic designer.  So she has been asked to do some work that the governor has requested for a task force.  That is all I know, but it sounds important if they waited until the weekend as she has been at home all week.  

Our cookie jar was getting low and the Mr. always has his hand in it.  Heaven forbid it would be empty in this special time of need.  So although I keep staples on hand usually for these types of emergencies, my larder was getting low also.  I used a new chocolate chip recipe and found only 1/3 cup of chocolate chips, but I had a little coconut, lots of walnuts and some raisins and cranberries and with some oatmeal...the recipe developed into what has perhaps become a new favorite. The dried fruit and nuts and oatmeal make it nutritional, right?

After sampling a few, the need to work off a cookie or two was obvious   So I went for a walk.  This morning the doe below and her two fawns from year before last and last year, had breakfast on my tulip buds and hyacinths in addition to finishing up on the greens across the street.  I just peeked out my door to see the culprits this morning, but as I trekked back into our neighborhood on  my afternoon stroll, I encountered them having afternoon tea. If you look carefully, you will spot them below. 
With the national directive for all of us to wear face protection for the benefit of others, I made a couple for us.  I have resisted doing this as we have been informed that fabric masks will not protect us.  But now it seems we are required although it is supposed to be voluntary.  I found several patterns and made two versions after the first one didn't really suit me.  I will let you know how they work.

Stay safe and this too will pass.   

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