Halloween is coming so what is scary is not the first two snaps here, but the bottom one. Above is some of my fabric folded around the magazine boards, the ones that my daughter ordered for us from Amazon. I had gotten cubes for storage and have seen the comic boards used to organize fabric, but most of those were too small for my project. These are 8 1/2 by 11 and are perfect for the 12 inch storage units. When the fabric pieces are folded salvage to salvage they are approx 22". So folded again once and the stiff paper boards inserted inside the fold, the fabric can be folded more until all is on the board. Then they can be stacked upright and I will post another picture soon. These come 100 for about $15.00. Now below is another attempt at cookie baking and success! This time the peanut butter recipe I had always used was just right. I saw the movie "Julie and Julia" again this weekend and love the fact that Julie persevered in trying every recipe in Julia Child's French cookbook and if you have seen the movie, or read the book, you know that there are some very questionable recipes in the book. I would never even attempt most of them, let alone try to pronounce them. Tomorrow I am again trying to make cinnamon scones. I have more than one recipe, one my neighbor in Cheyenne left with me to try so.....we will see.

The picture below, is the scary part. The Mr. bought a new pool table and it was delivered Saturday. He also ordered a new light for the table and in order to install it, the light fixtures had to be installed
in the ceiling, which is vaulted. The vault is not centered in the room and because the room is just large enough for the table with access to play properly with cue space, there is not room for much else. It is a regulation 7ft bar table and he has installed the light, but he had to put the ladder on the table and the kitchen stepstool against the table. Remember, this man is almost 75 years old, so for me-- YES! this was very scary.
On a sad note...in a few previous posts, I have a picture of my two little dogs, Spencer and Roger, both older rescue dogs. They have lived with us for 10 years, but Roger, the white dog, went to
Doggy Heaven on Friday after having to deal with more bladder stone issues. We all miss him and the difficult part was going next door to tell my 12 year old neighbor, Lisa. She has been coming on Tuesday afternoons to walk Roger. I told her she could walk Spencer, but he has limited use of one hind leg now and I know she will be careful with him. She so loves the dogs.
"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself." ~ Josh Billings