Ten days since I blogged so what does that mean? Either have been really busy or ?. Honestly, I feel like I cannot find time to write, but on the other hand, what have I done with my time? I did get to go to meet with my other journal buddies on Friday and the lovely gal who runs the art and craft shop is so nice. She had so much donated supplies! In the hallway, she had tables with all sorts of items and books and fabric for $1.00 each. But recently, I have been inspired to start painting again as I am attempting to communicate in my art journal what is happening with our country. Referring to the Corona Virus and the BLM protests and the political crap (and I feel like that word describes it perfectly), there is much to relate for the future in a way to use art and text. I am still working on the Quilt of Honor for my other neighbor and I am working in the back yard to make terraces for more plantings. Right now it is mostly a blank canvas, but the Mr. is putting a railing on the existing back deck and all of these things take time. When I do get in the mood to paint or quilt, I need to do it when the mood strikes me as the creative juices dictate how I spend my time. Never have I felt the need to go to the computer to spend time. It happens out of necessity, so FB and Blogging are far down the line. I am not a sitter. I need to be doing something.
Yesterday was the first time so far that we did yard sales. Our state is in mandatory face mask wearing by order of the Governor and because we have done so well, we are in phase III of the recovery issue. Our daughter went with us yesterday, but it also seemed that people are still social distancing as there weren't nearly as many sales as we had expected. I did however get some stamps and a few other things for art journal supplies and the Mr. found a vise. As we left on our adventure, the neighborhood Master Gardener was working on one of the common islands in our loop and she gave my gardener daughter some great information about a group she may join. Also, she has lots of glass in the way of garden sculpture that she is willing to donate to me and invited me to come and see her garden which I have been told is spectacular. Bonnie, I wish you were here by the way!

Above is the page for my art journal that I painted and added several quotes regarding masks and it is nearly finished. This is a mixed media journal so there are layers of textures including the mask which is fabric and other items, even tea bag papers. Below is an area I am working on when I find the time and mood. Of course all of the new blocks will eventually weather and match, but so far the plants here were given to me by neighbors.
The second litter of baby squirrels are soon to be born and perhaps are already here so the mother
squirrels have been scarce but yesterday and this morning one of the females came begging for her peanuts. Usually they just bury them for future use, but yesterday mamma squirrel sat and gobbled three in a row as I gave them to her. She was hungry!
The sun is shining now after a morning of cloud covered sky and the area by the fence is a perfect place to read. Recently I received a series of books from a friend in Saratoga WY and I find it difficult to tear myself away from them. In addition to being sheltered (there is no wind here either), I love to listen to the many birds back there.
"Nature has been for me, for as long as I can remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight, a home, a teacher, a companion." ~ Lorraine Anderson