Friday, December 28, 2007
Horseshoe Wreath
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Busy Days
Sunday, December 9, 2007
More simple things
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Simple things
A warm hug from your devoted dog, a fluffy snowfall, the aroma of the turkey broth (from the Thanksgiving bird's carcass) simmering on the stove--all simple things that bring us joy! These are some of my favorite things. As I find myself well into the last half of my life on this earth, I also find myself remembering more of those memories from the past. After all, that really is all that we can depend on--our memories. My siblings will probably agree that those days when we grew up in a much less complicated era, were some of the happiest, and this time of the year causes me to reflect. Growing up in a small town with two very frugal parents, we had no idea as children, that we were poor. We had everything!! With five acres to romp on, and always a lot of snow, we would bundle up and head out to build snowmen, and snow forts, and throw snowballs. As we continued to get colder and wetter, we would eventually relent and go in to warm by the oil stove in our small living room. (We eventually got a wall furnace, but we couldn't all back up to that as easily as the oil stove.) Our thin knit gloves, and the wool "headscarves" that we girls wore didn't keep us very warm, but we sure had fun! Mom would make snow ice cream. It had to be clean snow of course, and then she would pour homemade syrup over it. We had lots of chickens and a cow, so dad would make homemade eggnog. I still make old fashioned fudge that you cook over the stove and stir forever. Mom always made that at Christmas time. I always saw beautiful trees at my friend's homes and vowed that I would have one when I grew up...and I did. But we always got our tree Christmas eve and Dad would bring it home....he probably got it for a few cents and it was always such a pathetic looking tree on a wooden stand. It truly was a Charlie Brown tree. But after we put a lonely string of lights, and the worn tinsel and garland on and added the few old ornaments as well as the homemade ones from school was beautiful. I sit here and look at my 5 Christmas trees all decorated with lovely glass ornaments collected over the years and still remember the simpler times with family and homemade fudge and that beautiful scraggly tree. We got a silver aluminum tree later.....not nearly as memorable.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
power shopping
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Ho! Ho! Ho!

The gourds above are from a couple of different artists, but my friends and I are painting the one with the little penquins this it does feel like Christmas is just around the corner!!
Such spectacular sunsets as the one below fill our Wyoming skies frequently and no matter how often we see them, they never cease to thrill us. We have a few more snaps that we viewed from our back deck tonite and will post them later as well as the renovation in the kitchen area.

"Teach us delight in simple things."-
Rudyard Kipling
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!
The Mr. played in a pool tournament in Cheyenne this weekend and didn't make it very far into the competition, but had a good time. I shopped and met my sister and her daughter and granddaughter and ate way too much. Food has become foremost in my mind with the holidays upon me. My favorite time of the year so we will eat and eat and eat some more and gobble, gobble, gobble up all of the leftovers.
Friday, November 9, 2007
On a really sad note--our aspen alley is dying. To quote an article in our local paper last week.... "Aspen Alley is one of the places being affected by a phenomenon which scientists believe is caused when drought weakens elderly trees, making them susceptible to several diseases, aspen bark beetles and wood borers." Most of these trees are elderly, more than 100 years old. We have some talented photographers and realizing that never again in our lifetime, will anyone get another fall picture of this area, (at least as spectacular as the past ones), the Mr. and I decided that we needed one. I was able to get a beautifully framed photo this weekend and it hangs in a place of honor in our living room wall next to the fireplace.
We are headed to Cheyenne for a weekend of frivolity. Well, serious stuff for the Mr. He is playing in a pool tournament, but I am off for flea markets, shopping, and food, food, food.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Wind versus rain
"EVERY CHILD IS AN ARTIST. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.--Pablo Picasso
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Home again, Home again

I am home again, home again!!!
Bloom where you are planted!! How many times have we heard that one. Some of us put down solid roots where "we are planted" and happily wave in the breezes not ever venturing away from that safe garden spot. It is where our grandparents and their parents before them planted their offspring. It is where our parent plants carefully placed us to grow and cared for our tender systems until we could withstand even the most forceful of gusts and storms. Well, quite often, something comes along to JERK our root system out of that familiar environment. That happened to me, which brings me to believe that we must learn to grow and bloom where we are TRANSPLANTED, not PLANTED!!! And like my ventures in gardening, not all root systems are happy where they are re-planted. Sometimes they flourish and sometimes they die, yes they die. But where some families continue to multiply in the same garden like weeds, my family and that of the Mr. scattered seeds all over the country. We have strong winds here in the west. One advantage is that in order to get a "family fix", we get to travel great distances to get that "fix". I have just come back from Olympia WA for a kid fix and it was wonderful! Of course it wasn't enough time to do everything we wanted and we had to cram so much into so little time. The weather was great and although trying to get out of here is not an easy thing because it is over 100 miles to the airport and a layover in SLC it was worth it. I love Olympia and I think I could be transplanted there and my root system would survive and I would bloom. I will post more about the trip later.
Thank you Erica and Jeffery for a wonderful visit!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Kitty, kitty, kitty. Just can't resist taking a picture of Hojo whenever I see him like this. Look at his feet. He has the BIGGEST feet.

I am headed for Washington this next week to spend a few days with Erica and am really anxious to see her. Will take some pictures and hopefully have some great experiences.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

My painting group met on Monday and we finished the Halloween pots and will start on the pumpkin jar next. Note that we get creative here in the isolated part of the U.S. of A. We meet and paint in a bar...well, not in the bar but in one of the rooms adjacent to the bar. When we arrived, we were met with an aerobic group who is now meeting just before we paint....yes in the same bar and they hung MIRRORS on one wall! Yuk! Old ladies in their grubbies staring back at old ladies in their grubbies. Debby what were you thinking!? I don't even know if I remember when I went faithfully to an aerobics class in my cute little skin-tight outfit...and ladies we all did.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Painted pots

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Ships ahoy!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
We're all in the middle
Some of my friends who paint with me, don't feel as talented as others, but for me it is important that they have fun!! It is NO race. There is no human race to win. Thank you Jamie!!
Next post will be the completed cell phone case below. My beloved heard me say I needed a phone case and ask and ye shall receive!

As you see, the progress has produced this wonderful snake!!! Yes, that was my choice!

We went to a ranch auction this weekend. We were interested in the log beds, but lordy, lordy, as with most auctions, they were sky-high. Heck, you can buy a new one with no shipping for less! People just go ape at an auction. However my friend Debby did score some irrigation stuff! That sounds like work to me. Another thing we did was to put our camp trailer up for sale. It was used when we bought it and we had it for 14 years, but it served us well!! The fridge quit working and the heat was really temperamental. Put up a flyer yesterday and sold it today. Yea!So kiddos, hopefully we will have a new one next year with a real fridge again.
So be in the middle and from James Leo Herlihy..."Be yourself. No one can ever tell you you're doing it wrong."
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Fall projects

Below is the first project we are embarking upon. Recycled corn husk flower pots. Who'da thought? They are lightweight, inexpensive, and I can think of a million and one things to do with 'em. This shows the progression from an antique olive original color, to a primed surface, a coat of paint followed by an antique...wait a minute. Aren't we back to the original color? Well that surface proved to be too glossy and waxy to paint on and believe me I tried sandpaper and even a coat of gesso to no avail. will keep the girls busy. These are supposed to be Halloween bells, but I haven't gotten the jingle bell for the inside yet so will continue to brainstorm and post the finished projects.

I just about have the lighthouse finished and will put it out by the lake (pond) tomorrow. It looks so cute!! Did you ever talk to a frog? We have about a dozen little frogs in and around our pond, unless some of them ran away. Some still had their tadpole tails this summer when we released them so they are pretty young, but they have started to croak in various pitches. I can hear them croak and I can croak back to them and they answer. I just suck air up threw my throat and make this funny croaky noise. If I could just figure out what I was saying...oh well. Please, please kids, DON'T have me committed yet. I really can talk to the frogs.
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Now, I have begun to prepare for fall classes and have finished two of my first 3 projects. I will post them next time, but I spent the better part of today painting. Once I get started, I don't want to is like an addiction for me and the ideas keep coming. I get my inspiration from other artists and then adapt or change as my mind keeps spinning. Tomorrow, I am heading for town, to paint with 3 of my friends. We intend to have a lighthouse for the yard when we are finished. We hunted for 3 of the right sized flower pots and solar lights and searched for lighthouse examples (remember we are on the prairie). It will be so comforting to have a lighthouse for my pond so that the ships sailing this body of water won't collide with the rhinoceros or the ducks. Well, it will be cute anyway. I hope also to inspire some of my students to do these lighthouses for a class and at least will give them the opportunity to do them.
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."--Milton Berle
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The wind blew like crazy and he is a little bit wary of high places. He deserves cookies!!!
These are peanut butter and I think the recipe is from Martha.
I changed the recipe a little bit by using half shortening and half butter. In case I am wrong about the source here is the recipe:
1 cup of butter, 1 cup of granulated sugar, 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 1/2 cup of crunchy peanut butter, 1 tsp vanilla, 2 eggs, 1 1/2 tsp. baking soda and 2 cups of flour. Pretty simple. Cream butter, peanut butter, sugars together and add vanilla and eggs. Mix well and slowly add dry ingr. Roll into 1 inch balls and flatten with a fork on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Cool slightly on sheet before removing to a rack. Makes 50 to 100 cookies, depending on size.
In getting ready for my first painting class for the fall, and wanting a nice fall project, I found a pattern for cute Halloween bells using 4 inch flower pots. NOT available here!! But thanks to a future student, I found a source for recycled corn husk flower pots. With one phone call, I was able to secure at least 40 of these and since I am trusting that they will suffice and perhaps be even better than clay pots, we will venture over the Snowy Range to Laramie tomorrow. There is a greenhouse/nursery there that carries these. Wish me luck and I will post the results.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Horseshoe update

One of the interests I have is building birdhouses. Although I have been collecting "goodies" all year to embellish these creations, I have not had the time to construct any new ones. I have lots from past creative moments and more ideas in my head for these rustic abodes. One such house sits on my window box ledge out front and was constructed from a yard lantern piece which had a collision with a tree limb. (Never throw these treasures away). For the last 2 summers I have had families of swallows move in and raise young babies. Mind you, this house sits not even 3 feet from the ground and the shelf affords my cat as well as the neighborhood cats a prime perching place. How these birds manage to swoop down and avoid being slapped out of mid air by the prowling felines, baffles me. I need to do some repair work on this house and will post a picture of the before and after. It is in pretty sad shape. Live each day as if it were your last..especially if you are a swallow.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Wierd Plants

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

"Art washes away from the soul, the dust of every day life."--Picasso
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Ol' West