I finished the class project and it is now on the end of the bed as you can see. I am pleased with it although if I had it to do over I would used a different color thread for the actual quilting. As the new year is around the corner, so will a new project be forthcoming. I am anxious to embark on another project and will continue to post projects and picture of our 4 legged family members. Merry Christmas!!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Off to see the wizard
I finished the class project and it is now on the end of the bed as you can see. I am pleased with it although if I had it to do over I would used a different color thread for the actual quilting. As the new year is around the corner, so will a new project be forthcoming. I am anxious to embark on another project and will continue to post projects and picture of our 4 legged family members. Merry Christmas!!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
No power
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Under my tree!
Just when I think I have figured out this "blogger thing" so that my text and pictures jive, I find that I am just as confused as ever!! Discovering "facebook" though has opened up a new opportunity to connect with old friends, classmates and most importantly, family members with whom we have lost touch. I barely can find time to "blog", so I really don't have time to play games or "farm". We used to farm for real and that was hard work....no thanks!!! But being able to stay in touch with family across the country has been amazingly enjoyable!!
"You will never "find" time for anything. If you want time, you must make it." ~
Charles Buxton
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wintery thoughts
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Above is the Thimbleberries quilt for the year. The top has just been completed and I will have to quilt and bind it. This took me a year to put together and it may just take a year to quilt. The Mr. had a pool tournament this past weekend so my friend Sal and I hit some bazaars, and some shops and had the best hamburgers! We stopped in at a place called 2 Doors Down, which didn't seem to have much for atmosphere and we were a little sceptical at first, but the burger was at the top of my list as far as burger go. It was a good day for a couple of gals to have a day out!! Thanks Sal.
"Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere."
Friday, November 6, 2009
The early bird
"Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."
Friday, October 30, 2009
Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the snow is so delightful. (Note the drift above the Mr.'s head.)
Yes, we got lots of snow. Set a record for over 100 years..26 or 27 or more inches depending on where you lived here, for the month of October. Luckily, we didn't have to go out and had stocked our pantry. All major highways and byways were shut down for over 48 hours...we were socked in. But at least Cheyenne is large enough that we could get anything we needed. All city and county offices and school districts were closed yesterday and some today. But finally, the sun came out and it is melting fast. There was no point in going out to shovel as the snow continued and the wind kept everything drifted. Today was the third day and the Mr. finally got out to use the blower.
Oh, the weather outside is frightful-but the fire is so delightful. Fire? I have no fire. I had 3 gas flames in my last home. I woke up today to some kind of crud in my body. I got my flu shot, and we have been sanitizing our hands every chance we can when we go out or touch something. Pig flu? No...just a sinus thing I think. Haven't done anything creative the past few days...just glad I didn't have to go out in this stuff. I remember all of those days when I worked and had to brave this stuff day in and day out and I am so happy to be in. It is Wyoming and we do have some healthy storms. I will be resting and eating chicken noodle soup for the soul for the next day or so.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Good company.
Little stars? Now they are little pieces of colored glass which I cut and ground to size and after foiling, will solder into little star ornaments. It is a pattern I have had for years and have just gotten the urge to put together for the upcoming holidays. Finished project to follow. We have been pretty darned busy around here it seems and are finally back to finishing the bathroom project. As you can see, the drywall is getting installed. Doesn't look like much yet, but I've been taking short cuts from one room to another through the open walls for months and it seems strange, to actually see the walls taking shape and having to "detour" around them. Yeah!!!
In a previous post, I had started this particular 9 patch and as you can see, I have started to put the actual quilt top together. It has been challenging. The curved pieces take a bit of doing, but it goes pretty fast. I have also completed 6 squares for the quilt class I am taking. Poor teacher. We are all adults who have reached the half-century milestone and we feel like kindergartners.
Bless her soul! It is fun though.
Yesterday my neighbor, Ingrid, and I took advantage of the good weather and went to Ft. Collins via the country roads. What a beautiful fall day! The fall foliage which is usually shades of gold and reds and oranges, seemed mostly a rusty color because of the early storms and freezing weather. In spite of the lack of color, the farmland, fields, and horses and cattle grazing still always bring a peaceful autumn image to the senses. While shopping and sightseeing seemed to make the time fly for us, we didn't neglect our sense of taste. Red Lobster, which is one of my favorite places to eat, made our trip complete. Good company, gorgeous day, good food!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Winter again!!
When they retired, they retired!! They retired everything! No more work, no more livestock, no more snow, no more stuff!
They had an auction and everything that didn't fit in the little camper-type-trailer was sold. It must have taken guts to dispense with a lifetime of stuff, not to mention memories. Dad was a thrifty ol' cus and most of what was still there, a few saddles and tack, a few old tools, a little bit of furniture and of course Mom's salt 'n pepper collection, were sold for a little bit of cash. (I hated to dust those hundreds of shakers, but it was part of who she was.) Whenever I see a few of them in a shop, I always think of her.
There are still lots of critters who are waiting in shelters to find homes or be euthanized. In checking with the rescue where Spencer was, I saw a picture of the sweetest little girl dog. I am hoping that my very good friend will be able to give her a home and in reading the posts from the rescue shelter, it breaks my heart to know that so many of them won't find homes. Spencer looks a little sad in the photo above, but I assure you he is a happy little guy who is a sweetheart and a clown and a blessing for us and he knows he is loved.
"Until ones has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unwakened".
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Spencer Blue
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My friend, Pat and I met Saturday for breakfast in a small town in Colorado south of Greeley and drove to Hygiene (not our destination). I always say I am not lost, I just don't know where I am. Our goal was to attend a quilt show in Longmont, and we did eventually make it there but as there was a lot of highway construction, the side roads were not clearly marked and we missed our turn. Perhaps I was talking,--who knows? Anyway, when we discovered where we were, Pat said she had been to a really cute country shop there and by golly, we drove right to it. The proprietor was very helpful and directed us back when we were finished at the shop, which was really cool by the way. The quilt show was spectacular and it was so inspiring to see all of the creative efforts in completed pieces of artwork. As far as I am concerned, each quilt was a piece of art. In addition, there was so much to see from each of the vendors with their wares. It appeared that people were buying too, and since these vendors came from all over the united states, I hope it was a successful endeavor for them. I am so glad we went. Then we had lunch of course, and found a great flea market there and before we knew it, the time to leave and head home had arrived. Weather was beautiful and it was a great day!!
My first session of a new quilt class started last week and I finished my first square today. Will post a picture and that of another project I started this week. As I talk about fall being here, I am not sure is we will actually have a fall. With the one early freeze this week, lots of the trees will not have a chance to turn and predictions from the weather "guy" indicate snow toward the end of the week. If that happens, the leaves will just fall....that will be the only "fall" we will have. I am not ready for winter yet....let's have a little FALL!!!
"Life isn't fair, but it is still good." - Regina Brett
Friday, September 25, 2009
Cottage sign
Look at the chairs....When I went to Elk Mt. this year for our painting retreat, these chairs were sitting on the front porch of the smaller cabin, in which we were painting. I nearly fell on my face. When the Mr. and I bought our first home in 1974, we purchased from Sears a dining room table and 6 chairs. The upholstery was a yellow checked vinyl and those chairs followed us to Shoshoni in 1976, back to Rawlins in 1979 and I remember reupholstering them at least 4 times. When we left Rawlins in 1996, I sold the table and all 6 chairs at a garage sale. The upholstery on these two are the last I did and the one in the background went downstairs to my sewing room.
Imagine my surprise when these two chairs met me at the front door of the cabin!
Here are two views of the "Teacup Cottage" sign for Sal's arbor. She was pleased with it as was I.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Garden sign
Ok here is the garden sign...OK...here is NOT the garden sign. For some reason I am not able to upload the images today. I am hoping that blogger is getting this option fixed or I will have to call my computer guru (alias Erica). I have so much to blog about and now I am at a loss for words. (NOT). Last week, my 80 year old neighbor and I went across the border to Ft. Collins, took the back roads, and saw some beautiful country and had a good lunch. It was a good day. Thank you neighbor!! Then on the weekend we had good friends come and spend the night Saturday with us. The last day of summer, we had snow showers and until today, the sun hasn't shown. Although it hasn't been as cold as was predicted, fall has definitely arrived. I have a funeral to attend tomorrow in Rawlins and a quilt show in Longmont on Sat and a quilt class here tonight so I will try on Sun to get the pictures on here. Today, the Mr. and I put an epoxy floor down in my studio to replace the painted floor with the stenciled roses. It came out pretty good, but it will be until tomorrow before we can put furniture back. Will post pictures if I can get this thing to work. This is short as I am short on time.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Back at home, we have started to feel the beginning of the fall chill in the air and I have noticed a very few leaves starting to turn colors. Sal and I went to an antique show here this weekend, oh to get a windfall of a few thousand bucks!!! Beautiful furniture and glassware and a perfect way to spend a rainy day. Today, another friend and I signed up for a fall quilt class and I am anxious to correct some of my bad habits perhaps. Mostly, I have been doing my projects from the seat of my pants and think some basic knowledge of correct procedures will improve my quilting. (You are never too old to learn.) Little Spencer got a new haircut...a little shorter this time and he continues to bloom. It is amazing how much he changed from the little guy we first adopted. I finished my garden sign and have started to paint a sign for Sal's cottage arbor. Will keep you posted on the progress and pictures to follow soon.
"I have found that if you love life, life will love you right back." ~ Arthur Rubenstein
Monday, September 7, 2009
Yucky yucca
I also decided to throw in a picture of my chandelier...it will hang under a finished ceiling one day I hope.
These little yucca didn't have much of a root system, only a lard bulbous type of base so I hope with a little bit of encouragement, they will take off.
Hope everyone had a nice labor day weekend. We went to a bluegrass festival here on Saturday night and again on Sunday, but it began to rain so we ended up at a flea market instead. Unfortunately, where we live, the rainfall was not very heavy and we are so very dry here. We are taking a few days off for a mini-vacation, so when I am back at the keyboard, it will be preparing for fall plantings and the inevitable snowfall just around the corner.
Friday, September 4, 2009
More about quilting
Perhaps I find quilting a way to connect with her as she was a talented quilter and it brings back those wonderful memories of sitting beneath the quilting frame trying to listen to the chatter above.
"A grandmother is a person with too much wisdom to let that stop her from making a fool of herself over her grandchildren." ~ Phil Moss
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
TV Stand
Tonight as she came home from work she was shocked to see the yucca gone. (They have been there for years.) She saw him and he told her they were in the dumpster!! We could have all we wanted. He helped her pull a clump out and she put them in her trunk, strapped the trunk closed and brought the huge cluster to me. Yeah!!!
Beg, borrow, steal. Well, beg maybe. Reuse, recycle,--whatever. My yucca garden will be named "Sally's Succulents". I finished my veggie garden sign today, except for a little more paint on the trim. It reads "Peter Rabbit's Bed and Breakfast''. Now if I just had a veggie garden. I am not sure a few tomatoes, some overgrown lettuce and a couple of herbs qualifies as a veggie garden, but this was my first year with some very poor garden soil, so I plan to do better next year.
Stay tuned for more garden news and I am just about finished with my Venetian Tiles quilt and the teacup chandelier is up. I need to grout the birdhouse and pictures will be forthcoming!
"Happiness walks on busy feet." ~ Kittie Turmell
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The retaining wall is quite tall and behind it I have planted Virginia creeper, hoping that it will climb up over and cover it.
I spent part of this weekend helping my friend Sal re-do a black modern TV stand which was a yard sale purchase. She has such a cute little cottage and we applied crackle medium last evening and today sponged a beautiful light chocolate over it. I should have taken pictures as it appears that our efforts to convert it are going to be a success. We hope to finish tomorrow and I will post a picture.
One of my furkids gave me a few hours of worry this weekend. Hojo, the cat who has become a house kitty, much to his chagrin, escaped on Friday evening and the Mr. chased after him, but he was way too fast and it was dark. He didn't come for breakfast yesterday morn and I called all day long for him. My imagination just ran wild with the possible fate that he may have encountered. This neighborhood is entirely different from any he has know in his 12 years with us. I woke up today and he leisurely strolled up the stairs to greet me. The Mr. said he came in with the dogs after they went out at about 11 pm last night. (He was mighty hungry too I guess!).
This is a birdhouse I am putting a mosaic finish on. I now have it finished, except for grout and will post it then, and I hope to put it in my garden next spring. I am an embellisher. I love to embellish stuff which is evident in some of my needlework. It is difficult to know when to stop, but most of my birdhouses are adorned with cast off hinges, door knobs etc and each is completed with a key to the front door so I am anxious to get to that point on this abode.
"Teach us delight in simple things." ~ Rudyard Kipling
Monday, August 24, 2009
Quilting madness
I posted this quilt ages ago when I started it, and slowly, I am getting the fused pattern pieces appliqued with a buttonhole stitch. Depending on the winter we have, I may get them done by spring.
Today, the Mr. got our first new window installed in the kitchen. All of our windows need to be replaced and we decided to save money and do them ourselves!! Ha, Ha! Just one of the many do-it-yourself projects we have embarked upon and except for trimming it up, it is beautiful. I can actually see out of the window!! (of course, we picked the easiest one to do first). This evening we had a beautiful rain and yesterday I spent the day with two of my good friends, Bonnie and Sal and we toured the Parade of Homes, had lunch and hit a couple of flea markets! What a great day! Also blessed with good neighbors, this evening I scored a couple of zucchini and planted some starts of Virginia Creeper, a gift from my dear neighbor next door. Thanks neighbor!
"The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give it away." ~ David Viscott
Thursday, August 20, 2009
More summer fun!
As you can see, I am posting birdhouses and the lighthouse for Christmas. If everyone agrees in our little "chic"retreat group
, we will be embarking on these rock covered birdhouses next summer. I do think that these were posted a couple of years ago, but cannot remember. These are really decorative, but I am sure that if they were made from shorter plastic pipe, that they might entice fowl of some sort. And if not, they do make wonderful gifts for the birdhouse collector or garden decorator. The only problem is that they are a little messy and the adhesive is a little "smelly" so they should be done in a well ventilated area such as a mountain retreat in the summer, with plenty of iced tea and good company. We will need to collect rocks, funnels, copper wire, heavy duty wire and some steel wool. (oops!, that is just for Barb) She is not a "birder" and doesn't want the messy fowl in her birdhouses so she puts steel wool in the holes.

This is not the best picture of the lighthouse, but I did want to post the finished project. Hopefully there will be enough sunlight on my porch this winter to keep the little solar light aglow during the holidays.

The Mr. and I have been working on the front yard. We planted a purple plum and he has 3 of 4 rug junipers on our slope out front. There is such a hill on our front yard that we are struggling to determine how to plant. I terraced a small area this week and thanks to a good friend, was able to get some "snow on the mountain" to put in as ground cover. I also got 8 jars of jelly from her chokecherries. Yeah!!!
"Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light." ~ Theodore Roethke
This is not the best picture of the lighthouse, but I did want to post the finished project. Hopefully there will be enough sunlight on my porch this winter to keep the little solar light aglow during the holidays.
The Mr. and I have been working on the front yard. We planted a purple plum and he has 3 of 4 rug junipers on our slope out front. There is such a hill on our front yard that we are struggling to determine how to plant. I terraced a small area this week and thanks to a good friend, was able to get some "snow on the mountain" to put in as ground cover. I also got 8 jars of jelly from her chokecherries. Yeah!!!
"Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light." ~ Theodore Roethke
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Summer fun!
Hummingbirds greeted us every morning and 67 pounds of sugar were consumed last year by the little buggers. I have pictures and will post later. We went for morning walks, laughed until we could laugh no more, painted, and inhaled the wonderful fresh air and fragrances of the great outdoors. It truly was a relaxing few days. Our hostess is the daughter-in-law of one of my best friends. Suzie....thank you so very much !! (We hope you will invite us back!)
~"My friends have made the story of my life."~~Helen Keller
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Off again!
We had dear friends from Arizona visit us this week. They were here for a few days and we bid them goodbye this morning. On Friday, nearly 40 ex-employees of my old school district met at Snowy Mountain Lodge in the "Snowy Mountain Range" between Centennial and Saratoga for lunch. I do know that some of those there are still employed, but most are retired. What a wonderful afternoon and the Lodge staff members were most accommodating. In addition, the gals responsible for the gathering of people from around the state and outside the state need a big hand also. It was quite an undertaking!!
Tomorrow I am off for another "marvelous adventure", as the Mr. calls our trips. My friend, Pat from Colorado and my other two friends from Rawlins will meet at Elk Mountain and trek to a cabin, (house), (I haven't yet been there) near there to spend until Wed painting...not house painting. We are painting a scene on graduated flower pots which will be miniature lighthouses with solar lights on top. We have done this before, but these will be a little different. The countryside there is in the mountains and we are all looking forward to this get-away. The Elk Mt. Hotel also has a wonderful restaurant and that will be a treat indeed! Just a chic weekend and I will blog about it when I get back!!
"Happiness isn't getting what you want, it's wanting what you got." Garth Brooks
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Where is it going? Summer!!! Where was I when it happened? We went camping this past week for 4 nights and three glorious days in our ol' favorite camping spot with our ol' favorite friends. I do have pictures, but haven't had time to download and sort out. One of the things we did was hide a new geocache. We haven't had time to do many of those of late. Weather cooperated and the mosquitoes weren't bad, but the flies..I must be bait for them as I got so many bites and the little suckers didn't bother anyone else. S'mores by the fire...actually Girl Scout cookies and marshmallows, a little wine at night, a little cold beer in the shade, lots of good food and fresh fruit. Mike brought us grapes from his vines and we finally were able to finish them as snacks...yummy!! We watched the hummingbirds and their antics at the two feeders I filled. They are ornery little birds and selfish at the feeders. They are so funny to watch and so noisy when they dive bomb. All three days were pretty and we were able to take several nature walks. The Mr. didn't do any gold panning, and although we are in an area a few miles from the main road, it was a fairly busy spot so we may be scouting for another place to camp. The dogs got lots of exercise and loved snooping and romping. Spencer was a great little camper. We are expecting friends from Arizona tomorrow through Sunday, the fair is going on here and on Friday, I plan to meet with old school district co-workers for lunch in Centennial, and I think there is a quilt show on Saturday. On Monday, my buddy from Co and I will travel to Elk Mt. and be guests of my friend, Barb for a chic break for 3 days where we plan to paint and relax and eat of course. Where has my summer gone? I don't know but it has been a great one!! One of the best ever.
"Give a man a fish ad he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish and you get rid of him for the whole weekend." ~ Zenna Schaffer
"Give a man a fish ad he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish and you get rid of him for the whole weekend." ~ Zenna Schaffer
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I had lunch today with an old co-worker...she isn't old, just a friend whom I had not seen since 1998 I think. She lives here now and I think I have a quilting buddy as her interest in quilting is evident. We plan to take some classes together. We got a call from other friends from Phoenix and they will be here next Thursday. Had coffee this evening with my buddy, Sal, and will see her when she returns from a trip to see her grand babies. Have a safe trip. Hopefully things will have settled down a bit by then. (Critters like dogs and cats have the right idea.....)
"No day is so bad that it can't be fixed with a NAP." ~ Carrie Snow
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Catching up
Don't know who should receive credit for this quote but I feel like it reflects me somewhat...
"It takes a lot of talent to get a month behind in just one day"
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